I think I’ve romanticized homosexuality?


Okay so usually when I take a personality test, I subconsciously try to sway my answers in the way I would think would get my most desired answer, right? So um I think, because I look up to gay people, because of Tumblr and because I have gay friends, I think I might be trying to convince myself that I am gay?? Okay so I could very well be a lesbian, but I can imagine a relationship with a guy (but only if the imaginary guy is absolutely perfect) and I’m really unsure of my sexuality because I keep trying to convince myself i am gay, but at the same time I might be trying to convince myself that I’m not really gay because my entire life I was expected to like guys, because straight seems to be the default, right? I don’t know if im trying to change who I am to be more acceptable or to be more special, and i dont know im just really confused…

Category: Tags: asked October 1, 2013

5 Answers

I felt sort of like this once, and I'm not the most experienced, but I've seriously liked both girls and guys, so I decided that I'm bisexual. Maybe the same could be your case?
hey! i actually had the exact same thing going on!! it kinda started about a year ago and at that point, i still couldnt really think of a girl in a romantic way. but as time went on, i started to realise that i actually had some legit feelings for some girls. of course because of the homophobia that surrounded me, i kept telling myself that i had to be straight and that i was just making it all up. about a year later, i'm out to my friends as being bi. my advice is just to wait and see where these feelings will take you. who knows, maybe someday soon (like i did) you will realise that there is a girl that you would really enjoy kissing etc. since you have gay friends, maybe you could try talking to them and asking them how they came to realise that they were gay. even though there are some people who are out that make it seem like they've always been really sure about their sexuality (and hey, some people are), its not always as easy as they present it. good luck :D
Hey! I know how you feel. I've had attractions to girls but brushed them off because I was told it's wrong to be gay. But, I do like girls and guys, so I'm bisexual. And just because you like girls or guys or both, doesn't mean that you're seeking attention. It's just part of who you are, and no one can change that.
To me this sounds kind of like a hypochondriac. They hear the symptoms and then they start to "feel" them happening to them but really it's just their subconscious mind. In your situation you're surrounding yourself with all these posts and friends who are gay and you're probably seeing how happy they are and like if gay is a "disease" and you are feeling the "symptoms". Sorry if it didn't help. That just what I thought of when I read it.
To me this sounds kind of like a hypochondriac. They hear the symptoms and then they start to "feel" them happening to them but really it's just their subconscious mind. In your situation you're surrounding yourself with all these posts and friends who are gay and you're probably seeing how happy they are and like if gay is a "disease" and you are feeling the "symptoms". Sorry if it didn't help. That just what I thought of when I read it.