I think i’m too skinny


So, I’m 16 and i’m gonna turn 17 in November and I’m Portuguese. My
weight is not enough for me because i’m tall. My actual weight is 114.4 lbs and my height is 4,5 ft. And although I have this problem, i’m healthy. But my legs and my arms are too skinny and I don’t feel good about myself. People don’t know but I eat a lot, but I can’t get heavier. And they make fun of me with comments like ” She must be anorectic” or ” Look at her legs ”. That does really hurt.
I know some people think that this isn’t a real problem and that there are major problems but for me, it is. I can’t feel good about myself… And i’m afraid that someday i’ll take major measures…

Category: Tags: asked August 13, 2013

4 Answers

You should go and see a doctor and find the right thing to do, you probably have a really fast metabolism. Don't try anything yourself, the doctor will give you a healthy way of doing it
The doctor is your best bet, or doing exercises that build muscle in your arms and legs. However, if you're that thin, medical advice is definitely recommended first.
hey. probably the best thing you could do is see a doctor, hes the only one who can say if you are in fact healthy or not and tell you if you need to eat more or in a different way because each person is different from the other and we all have different bodies. but remember, as long as youre healthy and feel good about yourself, theres no such thing as "too skinny". ps. im from portugal too, hi!!
i have had the same problem.I'm younger than you, and taller, but I'm not even a hundred pounds, even my own friends WHO HAVE SEEN ME EAT A LOT know I'm too skinny.but my doctor had never said anything.this whole summer I've been stuffing my face with junk food.my arms are a good size, but my legs are still really small and long.but my stomach sticks out all weirdly.i know what you're going through, and it sucks, but i can't really help.i haven't found the solution myself.ail I can say is that you're not alone