I think I’m starting to lose interest in my boyfriend.. but I still love him.


My boyfriend always wants to see me all the time, but I think absence makes the heart grow fonder. Whenever I see someone too much, I start getting sick of them.
He did help me recover from anorexia and I love him so much but he tells me he loves me every chance he gets and I hate those words being used in a sort of routine.. I want it to be spontaneous and not as if he’s reading them from a script.
He was previously suicidal and he has told me he’d kill himself if we ever broke up, which puts so much pressure on me. He constantly plans our future and I hate it because I have anxiety about having children and settling down..
I really don’t know what to do..

Category: Tags: asked March 9, 2014

1 Answer

Oh gosh... My boyfriend is EXACTLY the same... I shit you not, the exact same. The thing is it doesn't bother me because I like the idea and stuff. But honestly, talk to him about it. Tell him you guys are only young and marriage is out of the question and honestly, it's very unlikely he'd actually commit suicide. But tell him that that puts so much pressure on you and that it makes you feel like you don't want to be in the relationship. Good luck!