I think I’m starting to lose interest in my boyfriend.. but I still love him.


My boyfriend always wants to see me all the time, but I think absence makes the heart grow fonder. Whenever I see someone too much, I start getting sick of them.
He did help me recover from anorexia and I love him so much but he tells me he loves me every chance he gets and I hate those words being used in a sort of routine.. I want it to be spontaneous and not as if he’s reading them from a script.
He was previously suicidal and he has told me he’d kill himself if we ever broke up, which puts so much pressure on me. He constantly plans our future and I hate it because I have anxiety about having children and settling down..
I really don’t know what to do..

Category: Tags: asked March 9, 2014

3 Answers

I'm having the same problem as you are right now. It's really hard. I don't think you love him though, there would be a reason you're pushing him away
I have been in same situation as you and it sucks so much, especially when he says he will kill himself. I think the best thing you can do is have a break, not completely break up but spend like a week or two not talking to each other or seeing each other at all and maybe he will change a little.. I know you cannot change people but it will help you realise that you love him
Hello Miss Laura, you did the right thing in reaching out.

Your relationship with that young boy is based off of some very powerful emotions; he helped you through a tough time in your life, so it is entirely understandable that you'd feel very strongly toward him, but let me stress the point that your apprehension with that young man is justified.

Your relationship with him is not healthy. He is practically holding you hostage with his own life on the line, and that is not a sign of a healthy mind. It is not a normal or romantic thing to love someone so much that an individual wants to kill themselves, that is the sign of a severely emotionally damaged person who needs professional help.

It would be in the best interest of everyone involved for you to immediately go to your parents or guardians and explain the situation in full, then go with your parents/guardians to speak with your boyfriend's parents/guardians and inform them that he has threatened to kill himself if you break up, and that you cannot stay in a relationship with him.

Love does not hold people hostage. That is not how it works. it is neither noble nor sweet, it is unhealthy and it needs to be addressed so you can separate from that young man. Though he helped you with your anorexia, your relationship is toxic and it does not need to continue.