i sucked off my dog


I sucked off my dog and the thought that i did such a thing is making me go crazy and i want to kill myself help

Category: asked June 16, 2013

5 Answers

why do you feel this way? what is it that you feel you did wrong? perhaps you merely coming to terms with your sexuality, and i for one commend you for that. you are very brave.
and Fark :)
i agree with poet :)
S'ok baby. It was good for me, was it good for you?
1. Don't kill yourself, please. It is not worth it. 2. Everyone makes mistakes. Some are worse than others. This is just one of your worst ones, so it's driving you insane. 3. It could just be that you're coming to terms with your sexuality, and while I have no problem with that, I think you should stick to humans when experimenting. After all, you can't marry your dog. Ya can't even have a conversation with it.I hope you figure it out :) And don't beat yourself up too bad over it. Just..don't do it again?