I saw fresh cuts on my friends wrist-what should I do?


Earlier I was in lesson when my friend was next to me. Our school blazers are quite baggy so you can see your wrists and stuff when you lean down. I was just talking to her when I caught a glance of her wrists and saw a few cuts. Now normally I would just presume she had caught herself or something but I have cut myself before and know what they look like. I just brushed it off and pretended I hadn’t seen because I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, however a few moments later she noticed you could see her wrists and pulled her sleeves down. I don’t know whether she noticed or not. But I don’t know how to approach her. As I said I have cut myself before but I have tried to stop and haven’t relapsed in over a month ago, vowing it makes nothing better. When she saw mine she didn’t say anything to me though, and left me to admit to her. I don’t know what to do because I can handle myself being sad and hurt but it destroys me to think of her doing that because she is amazing, and I cant tell anyone else because they will confront her and I don’t want to do that to her. Please can I have some advice?!

ps. a while ago we were speaking and she admitted she had thoughts of suicide but I convinced her otherwise and a few weeks later she admitted her promise had stopped her from acting out any of her thoughts and that I had saved her life but that she had sort of broke it which brought up lingering doubts into my mind. Also she has lost ridiculous amounts of weight and suffers from anxiety, but will not go to a doctor about depression even though we have all worried about her for the past two years. She went through a stage of silence then when people confronted her she tried and acted happy but I am probably the only one who sees how fake her happiness and smiles are. I don’t know what to do.

Category: Tags: asked March 18, 2014