I really need some help


I’ve told some really big and stupid lies, but the only person who seems to really care is my step-mum, even though everyone else has dropped it. She carries on telling me that I ‘disgust’ her and that I’m ‘pathetic’. I know that I lied, but no body else did this to me.
I’m scared because I think everyone else knows what she’s doing and saying, and they’re just ignoring it because they think that too. I just want her to stop. I can’t sleep because whenever I do, I hear her again and again like some broken record player.
It really hurts, and I can’t think of anything to do, because I don’t know if I do actually deserve it because of all the bullshit I said. I’m trying to fix it though, and she just won’t shut up. Please tell me how to fix it- I don’t know what I could do different to make her stop and see me differently.

Category: asked June 9, 2013

2 Answers

I would say Try and talk with someone first. Tell them this is upsetting you. Or try to talk to your step mom about it. It's not right for her to act like that around you. Try saying that you don't like what she's doing or try to get someone else to tell her to stop. I would also try apologizing for lying. Your main thing to focus on is fixing your mistakes. She may turn around. Best of luck!
sounds like the lie or lies you told in some way involved her, if not then it sounds to me like she has her own unresolved issues involving a lie or two, maybe current or in her past. You clearly are trying to move on, you have claimed and remorsed your wrong words, so why look back at someone who stagnates.....if you can not tune her out ( my guess is no one is even listening to her anymore, so take a bit of comfort in knowing that) try headphones with an ipod , loud but not blasting, playing music you can really get i to....even if her words are echoing in your head, you can drown them out this way..im serious....it does work. But you still need to do your part, whitch is not letting her know she is getting under your skin. I say blow her off when she rants or needles you...ingore her all you can, advoid her whenever you can. Dont allow yourself to stagnate with her, the way i see it, move ahead , leave her there, do what you know is right, speak truth and live an honest life, because your actions will speak louder than Any words ever could. Its time to cancel your subscription coz you dont need the issues. good luck , you CAN move ahead, but only if your feet are not stuck in the past