I noticed something about chat…


There are more listeners than venters. Why aren’t more people venting? Just curious.

Category: Tags: asked July 13, 2013

3 Answers

The unfortunate reality that I've found is that even though this site is anonymous- a lot of people are uncomfortable talking about their problems because they feel as though they will be judged. I've told several friends about this site and they've all vehemently rejected it. That's my experience- some people just don't wanna vent cuz they're uncomfortable.
I'm not sure if I agree with you haha, I tend to stray away from chat but if I see 3+ venters I go on and help out just so they aren't waiting forever. I think it's a good balance, sure sometimes there are more listeners but it usually doesn't take that long to be matched up with someone.
Personally speaking, I am a listener and rarely vent out even when I have to and I didn't had the courage to go to chat. But one day I gathered all the courage and just started venting, the listener bail out on me when i told him/her the reason. I know some people are just not comfortable talking about some things but there is a way to tell. So now I just vent out to the few friends I have in my list, at least I know they would listen.