I need someone, or something.


To start off, I would classify myself as an introvert person.
I have friends but I wouldn’t dare to share what I have to say in my mind. This is probably due to the fact that I was once betrayed by the girl that I like and now, I seem to stop trusting people. I’m not sure if it’s fear of betrayal, embarrassment, or shame, but there is a million and one things going through in my mind but I don’t really know what to do. I feel like there’s a lot of things piled up in my head and yet I do not have a place to pour them out to. On nights like this, I tend to over think and those thoughts often leads to negativity. What should I do? How do I feel less lonely? Guys do actually feel lonely.

Ever since that, I’ve completely stopped talking to girls.. I don’t know when I will be able to get over that mental barrier.

Category: asked December 24, 2013

2 Answers

You can't let one girl ruin it for the next girls to come. That mishap that occurred should be taken as a lesson. It's okay to trust people but you have to also watch your surroundings. People are sneaky. You've stopped trusting people because of fear of betrayal. In your mind, you probably see it as that if one person can do it to me, I wonder who else can do it too? I'm here if you need someone to just listen to and let all your emotions out on. I don't know you so my opinion won't be biased. You seem like a very sweet guy who just needs someone to open up to. I promise you'll feel better once you take all that weight off of your shoulders. Try not to over think too because over-thinking will create problems that were never there to begin with. Listen to music. Music is a great escape to go when you need space away from the world.
Have you tried journaling? You can put there what you don't feel opportune to share with people. As for girls, make some girl friends, read or watch works made by women, you can date when you are ready but in the meantime you'll get to experience that not all are like the one that hurt you.