I need help with my boyfriend and this girl


well we make a week today and he gave me his password for facebook and yesterday i got on his facebook and saw a message that pretty much the girl confessed him what she felt for him but he didn’t answer i read the messages after that one and they barely talked she was the one that talked to him and he didn’t respond back and she even asked him to choose between me or her and idk should i talk to him about it ? i really am confused i know its wrong that i checked his messages i do trust him. but idk why i did it and idk what to do please help me i’m really confused :(

asked December 18, 2013

4 Answers

If he didnt reply he obviously like you, its still a new relationship but let it be known you wont be played for a fool
Honestly if he gave you his PW he can't get mad at you for snooping. That being said, it was still wrong of you to do so. I wouldn't worry about it at all - he clearly isn't interested in this other girl or he would have answered her back. His interest is YOU, he picked you when she tried to force him to give her a choice. Seriously, don't worry about it.
Thanks :)
Well I'm not really sure why else he would give you his password unless he was giving you the okay to go on his account (to prove that he trusts you that much). I don't think he would mind if you casually brought it up out of curiosity. I agree with others though that if he never responded to her that's probably his way of giving her the cold shoulder.