I need help on something, advice please!


I AM experienced in helping others with their sexuality issues but I’m having trouble with My own. I have no idea how to just state it. I’m halfway in and halfway out of the closet. I like girls yet I like guys. I’m just confused. I just don’t know how I can explain it my female friends so it doesn’t become awkward (I am a girl for any confusion), so they don’t hate me. I know it sounds kind of weird because I’m specialized and experienced with sexuality. But my own has me stumped….

Category: asked December 28, 2013

4 Answers

If your friends don't accept you for who you are, surely they aren't worth your time. True friends don't care about your sexuality. I have so many gay and lesbian friends and I love them all. If I came out to any of my friends they would accept me for who I am. Your friends should do the same.
Talk it through with someone, a close friend or relative that you trust. Even if they don't know what to do it's good to talk things out with yourself. You may realize something in the process.
It sounds to me like you're Bi-sexual, it's certainly not a bad thing but girls can absolutely be silly and suddenly think you fancy them all, right? But realistically, before you can expect anybody else to accept you, you need to accept yourself. You need to be completely comfortable with your sexuality and it'll make you feel so much better and ready to tell the world! Good luck!
If they truly are your friends, they will love you no matter what! I've come out to many friends and I've always found it better to be open. At least for me, almost everyone has been amazing and while there has been tension or awkwardness on occasion we have worked through it to an even better friendship.I've had trouble explaining my sexuality to friends as well (im also a girl and bi, but its complicated.) Honestly you don't have to label it to anyone if you dont want. For many of my friends I just told them that I knew I wasn't straight and that I knew I liked girls as well as guys. It's okay to be confused and it's okay to tell your friends that you are confused, or not completely certain as well.