I need a girls advice and feedback on certain things


For those who dont know me, Ima mess! My life fell apart and yada yada….im trying to build back my confidence after losing my teeth, toes, home, friends and family. Im 40 months clean from heroin and cocaine and am about to be evicted from the motel me and my mother stay at, and i guess im just lost in general with life. I havent had a close relationship with a girl in years and the ones I have had ended up in heartbreak. I feel rather foolish even posting these questions and expressing my feelings cause im old school and keep alot of my bullshit inside (for better or worse) and really want and need a girl to help me find myself again after having the “rug” pulled out from under me. Im a real good listener and am selfless in nature. Maybe thats why I am the way I am; I put everyone else in front of me but I have a wicked inferiority complex and it causes me to doubt myself. Id really appreciate it if someone would take the chance to maybe talk and get to know me and help me cause i feel like giving up and cant keep pretending that everything is ok much longer

Category: Tags: asked December 28, 2013

2 Answers

You are the one to change yourself. I can talk to you and everything, but in the end, it's not me changing you--it's your desire to change for the better. I'm glad that you've been clean, and I hope you find friends and you get in the good graces of your family, because for me, family is very important. They helped me overcome things, mostly indirectly, because I too hide emotion...and I sometimes feel that people don't like me. But try and find positive things in life. I don't want to type too much, but if you need to talk with someone, you have a friend in me.
Sometimes, Great things come when you least expect them. A women doesnt bring you happiness. it brings you enlightenment, and encouragement but not happiness.