I miss the hurt


Things have been turning up. I haven’t cut in 4 months. I haven’t had to stay up all night and talk my self out of doing something stupid. I haven’t had the majorly depressed periods of time. But I miss it all. I want something bad to happen so I’ll have a reason to cut again, a reason to let myself be upset. I’m afraid if I start again though, I won’t be able to stop. The main reason I made myself stop recently was because I leave for college in the fall. I want to start all over in college, a totally new me. I’m afraid college is going to be hard on me. I’ll want to cut even more.

asked March 23, 2014

2 Answers

Remember the reasons why you stopped in the first place. You know that cutting is dangerous, unhealthy, and counterproductive.

Cutting has been shown to release feel-good endorphins and neurotransmitters that can make it as addictive as a drug. That's why a recovering cutter might miss it so much. However, like any addiction, it can be overcome. The best part is, if you want those feel-good chemicals back, you can get them back! Exercise has been shown to release many of the same chemicals as cutting, and is far less dangerous. You don't need to run a mile to feel them either; just 30 minutes of light exercise can make you feel a whole lot better. I would assume your college has a gym or a swimming pool; why not use them as a cutting alternative? You don't need to cut. You are stronger than that! Best wishes.
It sounds to me that you need a good pat on the back first of all for being able to stop cutting and doing so well.
Now though, to get you through this and no feel the need to go back wards, you need to do things that keep you busy like reading rideing a bike,perhaps seeing those who need company may be more so than some of us do,like going to a nursing home and visiting those who have no one.
I would also recommend you see some one for help,A therapist who can help you though this hurdle and keep you moveing forward, so you dont want to start that pattern all over again.
Its a bit like some one who was an alcholic,they truly never get away from it and going to their support meetings is what keeps them from going back again to the thing that was destructive,to them and others.
Stay possitive,motivated by keeping busy and speak to some one who can be a support to you.We all need it at times for something or another,No shame in getting help ok!..Take care :-)