I made a friend, but ..


Okay so after almost 2 years not having a real life friend, I finally found a real awesome friend. She likes and obsessed about this book series a lot, like me. We spent 4 free periods today talking about everything from that series. I realized that maybe she’s the one.

But here’s the problem, I learnt that every time I become close or attached to someone, I will lose them. They WILL leave me and we would be like strangers.
Example, I was close to this girl in my class once, but later, she had to move to somewhere else. Now, we barely talk.

So, I’m kinda scared to become close to her. But I really like being her friend and talking to her. IT’S PRETTY RARE TO FIND SOMEONE THAT REALLY INTO THE SAME THING AS ME THESE DAYS.

What should I do? I’m tired of losing someone that I thought would be my best friend.

asked January 12, 2014

2 Answers

Don't focus on the negative. Just enjoy this new friendship for what it is and try not to put too much pressure on what it could be. It's true that friends due come and go, but some actually stick around and remain friends with you regardless of where you may move to in the future. Those that stick around no matter what are the best kind of friends you can possibly have.
Don't let your fears hold you back from having a great friendship. In life, most people leave but the few that stay behind are worth all the loss. In order to find true friends you have to take a risk and let people into your life. I think you should just stop focusing on what could happen before the friendship has even truly begun. Take things one day at a time and enjoy the friendship you never know what the outcome could be.