I love this girl too much and its hurting me


I have this friend of the opposite gender and we had sort of like a brother and sister relationship. Then I fell in love with her and it sort of made things awkward. Now she’s in another college 300 miles away from mine and I miss her a lot. I just love her so much and I really miss her, but it pains me to know that she doesn’t feel the same way to me. Now I’m worried that she might have such a good time with her new friends that she might forget her old ones, and its starting to look that way. All this just give me a painful feeling inside and its killing me

Category: asked August 11, 2013

5 Answers

I am going to college out of state so like 500 miles away from my hometown and of course I have high school friends here. During college I don't really know what happened, I guess i never really texted them often or facebooked them because I didn't talk to them the whole time I was in school. But we caught up when I was home for the summer so it was fine. Just keep in mind she has to be social and meeting new people there at school and sometimes you do forget, so text her every once in a while or skype or something. Since you can't have a relationship as you want with her at least be her friend you know? Better then that than nothing. So just know you can't force someone to be in a relationship with you if they just don't feel that way about you. So I feel like you should move on in that romantic aspect. But definitely try to maintain the friendship if you can, but she has to want to keep the friendship as well for it to work. But anyway I wish you all the best, have a good one.
You guys are still friends, you being in love or not. So it's not wrong if you meet up or so. If she doesn't love you back, you will have to deal with the rejection and kinda get over it, cause it's not going to happen if she doesn't want it to.
Sometimes we have to let go of the ones we love. I know it hurts and you don't want to, but you cannot let this pain keep hurting you. My advice is to make new friends and, if you're ready, try to find a relationship in someone else. You guys can still be friends and talk, but it might be better to just move on with your life, like she's doing with hers. If you keep dwelling on her, you may never find your true match.I hope things work out for you and you can always message me if you need to talk. <3
Remember that saying 'if you love something, let it go. If it returns to you, it was meant to be'? I believe this applies here as well. It sucks having one sided feelings, I know how that goes. I learned that if you dwell on it too much, that's when it starts to hurt.The best thing you can do right now is let her go. It's not going to be easy, but when you finally do it, you can build your own life around new friends and other people who'll make your life much brighter. :3
It is not wrong to miss someone that you have feelings for. But it can take a toll on you if you make it the one focus in your life. You are in college, the best four years of your life. My advice is to get busy and broaden your academic and social life. The more busy you are with school and clubs, the less likely you are to dwell on your feeling for your friends. Who know? You might find someone you like and has feeling for you vice versa. I wish you luck.