I feel like I don’t have any friends


For a while I had a good group of friends and then we kind of drifted apart. Since it’s a small school there weren’t many others that I could talk to. I’m going into highschool this fall and advice on how to get
Over my anxiety. Online I’m myself but in real life I’m awkward and just say the wrong things at the wrong time. What are some tips for me to make new friends and be less awkward?

Category: Tags: asked June 15, 2014

5 Answers

Learn the gangsta lean, Big G. But for real, I've noted that when you meet people on the basis of a similarhobby, you have something to vibe on together, or in a like-minded group. Also, when talking about something you're passionate about that other's are as well, your tension will likely dissipate."Side to side Elbows up, side to side Elbows up, side to side Elbows up, side to side Like a cholo"
High school was really hard for me. I'm not going to say "Oh you'll find your friends" or "just be yourself" because that's terrible advice. Honestly, in high school I was so unpopular. However now that it's been a couple of years I have become closer. Find your favourite class and find someone in that class that has a passion for it. They will interest you and make everything manageable. Find someone who strikes your interest and just talk to them. Everyone's a little awkward in high school.Also I am a firm believer in volunteering because it really did work for me. Find your top love (animals, people, in my case, history) and volunteer there, it's only been since I started volunteering that I have been able to be social and learn to deal with people in a social and professional environment.
Sweet and short, be yourself. You may be awkward and say the wrong things but someone out there could love that and would love to be friends with you because of that. There's no reason to change who you are because you want to make new friends in high school when in reality you just need to be yourself and how well you do with that. I'm going to be a Junior this upcoming year in high school and I came in my freshman year being someone who wasn't truly me. I made all the wrong friends. My sophomore year I changed and started to be myself and I made so many more friends that liked me for me and I loved that. Just be yourself, it'll get you farther than trying to change your awkwardness so people will like you. Hope I helped!
Like all the others, I'd say just be yourself. I know it seems like such outdated and lame advice, and I honestly cannot guarantee 100% success, but I can tell you right now. By acting who you are, you'll gain the friends that you need. It may sound unhelpful but I'd also tell you to relax. A lot of people feel this way; I do too. Be with the people you can connect with, as it'll be easier to be who you are. Don't be with people who make you feel like you have to prove yourself worthy of existing, otherwise you'll end up more alone than ever. Find people who like the same things as you do, but don't limit yourself to them. Think of all the hella rad potential bffs around you that you wouldn't have met just because they don't like the same things as you do. Put yourself out there, even if you feel scared. It's natural. Don't strain yourself too much, ok? Treat yo self. Another thing that I'd tell you is that you don't have to surround yourself with people. It's perfectly acceptable to be alone and by yourself, as long as you're happy. That is literally the most important thing, to be happy.
I would say just make sure to be yourself because then you will meet people who truly like you for who you are. Don't worry about what people think, some people won't like you and that is ok because the ones that do like you will be your true friends. Try to join some clubs, that is always helpful to meet other's with your same interests. I don't know how interested you are in sports but that is another way to meet people. I find that telling jokes can always make for an easy way to break the ice. Learn some cheesy laffy taffy like jokes that are funny and start up a conversation in that manner. Meeting new people can always be hard but it is just an obstacle of life to over come. I wish you the best of luck!