I feel like giving up hope


everything for me had to be so difficult… I know that god will hear my prayer.
How can I overcome this. I feel vulnerable. My heart is telling not to give up on hope. I have no one to support. I only have myself to support. Please pray for me for not giving up hope and things will get better I hope sooner.

Category: asked August 3, 2014

7 Answers

sometimes he's silent. till you figured it out what to do.
Know that your'e not alone and others are also experiencing a feeling of hopelessness. I can't do anything other than these words but if you need to, you should talk about your problem so we can help you better. Don't give up.And no, God doesn't only hear from perfect people but also the damaged and imperfect ones. That's why his apostles are imperfect men instead of priests.
Hold in there. Rough patches are the times that God is helping build you and lead you to the path you are meant to be on. You will be in my prayers. Never forget that you are never alone. If God is for us, then what could ever stop us? If God is with us, then what could stand against? He not only see's where you are, He sees where you can be. I have learned from my own experiences that the best lessons come from your worst times. God has perfect timing. Learn to wait on Him. -Psalms 27:14
things will get better. don't worry and yes always hope for the best
Do not give up. When you feel so low that you are giving up hope, do what makes you happy. Your hobby or create a hobby. Make friends -even if only on here. Be selfish, take time just for you -make time for yourself! It is important. Know that it won't be like this forever. Better things will come.
hey :)

I don't know what you're going through right now, but I kinda feel the same way. Today's been one of those days you realise your world has turned to rubble yet you can't figure out how it got this way or how you can possibly rebuild anything since no one really seems to care.

I guess what I'm saying is that we could support each other through this? You need someone to talk to, I need someone to talk to, why don't we talk to each other? Please do PM me if you're up for it. I actually really do need someone consistent to talk to HAHA because it doesn't really feel like anyone physically near me actually cares.

In any case, just don't give up hope! Hang out with people and get close to them because friends care for each other, and really all you need is that one friend, that one person who cares to make life worth living. Indulge in life and all it has to offer. I know it's easier said than done (been there done that), but instead of being introspective, try looking on the outside. Looking at the world around you and all its beauty and majesty. Consider all it has to offer and feel yourself wanting it. That's just what I try to do when I feel like I can't go on.

Also, I wake up every morning chanting this quote: "the only way to get over your problems is by facing them" HAHAHA seriously that's how I drag myself out of bed to face life every morning. Literally. Every. Morning.

I will definitely keep you in my prayers and I hope your situation gets better soon :) ALL THE BEST!!
God only hears prayers from perfect people. I'm not perfect!