I feel high?


Recently i’ve been feeling so high cause of a song,and i really love it.I don’t smoke or anything,i just always got that high feel.The question that i want an answer to is why because of a song i feel so high,i feel like flying above paradise with God.I feel that the Moon gives me energy only at night,i usually meditate and getting connected to my spirit.

Please answer my question.

Category: Tags: asked July 29, 2013

3 Answers

music is a powerful enrgy....as is the brain put them together and then your walking on sunshine in the cold november rain going to california for the carwash next to the ymca because where ever you may roam youll be in the house that jack built,let the music take you higher........btw, may wanna check out the group musci on this site :)
Thanks Guys! :) This song remaking me high,it feels so good and make me fly for my hapiness. Oh my god,what this beautiful feeling can do to make a human fly in his own imagination world and go with his hapiness :)