i dont know what to do…


i constantly text a boy from my year in school and we are like really close but we never really talk in person. we are basically best friends but i like him as more than just a friend, i trust him more than anyone i know and he even asked me out when he found out i liked him in April but broke up with me after like a week but he told me he couldnt loose me as a friend and said he would do his best for everything to go back to normal and it has but i still like him and dont think i can keep acting like im fine with everything but i dont want to loose him, can anyone tell me what i should do?

Category: asked May 6, 2013

2 Answers

it may not be the same anymore, but what in life is? So you gave it a shot, that's great.Years from now you won't be wondering "what if...." Not everything works out in our favor, but I think your very lucky to have the opertunity for a great friendship with someone you really like. Treasure the friendship. As for the bf part, smile because it happened, the fact that it did not blossem just means there is somebody else out there for you. Maybe could be the same guy later on in life. It often happens we meet people who become friends, then one day ,could be years later, but it could happen that person might see you in a whole new light and ask you out again.
When he says he wants to be your friend, believe him. Tell him it's hard to treat everything as per normal, but you too need some time.all the best!