I dont know what to do


My best friend self harms ( cutting) and has for a really long time now but lately she has said that she wants to just end it all. she keeps telling me that she wishes that she could just never wake up again. she is more distant and is cutting more often and will hardly talk to me. Im really worried about her and know that she will try and commit suicide if she doesnt get help. I want to tell one of the counselors at the school but I feel awful every time i think about it. I also self harm ans have depression and anxiety and i feel like i will lose her trust forever if i d this i dont think i would still be alive if it weret for her. what do i do??

Category: Tags: asked October 9, 2013

2 Answers

If her life hangs in the balance, then you need to tell someone. The counselors are there for a reason. If you are too worried about actually meeting with one of them to talk about the situation, trying leaving an anonymous note or something. And speaking of notes, maybe write your friend little cute notes and slip them in her locker everyday. Make sure she knows she is your very best friend and that you don't know what you could ever do without her. Try to keep her very busy to distract her from cutting. Make her go to a coffee shop or something after school to do homework. Hang out on the weekends. I know that can be hard if you can't drive. Open up to your friend and maybe talk to her about a guy you like or something like that; that way she feels more able to admit how she feels to you. Your friends needs to be able to let out her emotions in a different way than cutting.
Sometimes you have to tell someone even though your friend may get mad just think at the least she will be okay, try asking her to go with you to see a councilor and then you both can help each other and be supportive of each other and over come both of you'rs and you'r friends issuie if. If you want or feel the need you can send me a private message and we can talk m ore about it.