I don’t know how to date.


I know, weird, right? Here’s the deal: I am 14 years old, and I haven’t dated anyone, ever. I’ve had crushes, and boys have had crushes on me, but I grew up in a school where literally no one dates anyone, and my parents are not exactly the people to come to for this issue.

I just met this guy who just told me that he likes me, and I have found myself in a situation where I don’t know what to do. I mean, I realize that I have no idea how to go about this. What if we end up dating? What does that even entail/involve? I’m not even sure I know how to kiss a guy.

This is a stupid issue, but I kind of want to solve it. :/

Category: Tags: asked August 20, 2013

4 Answers

Hi, Iona. Figuring how to handle all this can be confusing for sure! But you know what? Everyone starts out that way :) Before I get into your question, though, I do want to mention that you don't say if you like this guy. Do you? While it's flattering when someone tells you they like you, it doesn't mean you have to like them back, in a romantic way or otherwise. It can be awkward if you don't like him back, but it's important to be honest. Of course since you just met him, you may not know yet. It sounds like you're maybe starting in a new school? If that's the case, then there will be lots of new relationships to be made! Boys & girls, romantic and not! In any case, there's no rush. Enjoy the newness, all the new friends, classes, clubs. No need to restrict yourself to one boy so quickly. Be friends, eat lunch together, chat, have fun. But when you do think you're ready, it's important to be comfortable in what is happening, that you're going at your own pace. If he doesn't understand that, is he really someone you want to date. Honesty is always the policy - it's true! Last note, reconsider taking to your parents. You don't say why you don't want to talk to them. I used to feel the same way, and I was so wrong. And I'm really glad I decided to give it a try. They just might surprise you.
You should be honest with the person who likes you and tell them that you've never dated anyone before and that you've never kissed anyone before. I never told my first boyfriend that I had never kissed anyone and it was totally awkward because he thought I was just a bad kisser. But then my friend told him that I had never kissed anyone, and he said he wished that I told him beforehand. It's better to be honest!

Dating basically involves hanging out with the person like they are your friend. You can go to the movies or play on the swing sets and just generally try to have fun with the person. If you're not having fun, it's not worth it.

If you're not sure if you like the guy who has told you that he likes you, you can tell him you're not sure, but that you'd like to hang out with him to find out if you like him. Ultimately, you should be able to be friends and feel comfortable with the person you date. You shouldn't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do.

Kissing will come naturally if it's the right person, and if the person really like you they will be patient with you and respect that this is your first time kissing.
silly me! I realized I probably didn't exactly answer your question, so I'll give it another try. You said you're 14. Dating can mean lots of different things, depending on your ages, how well you know each other, how long. It should first be a friendship. It can be as simple as just hanging out together, talking, doing things together you both enjoy. It doesn't have to include kissing, at least not right away. You need to know this guy first, no? You don't want to kiss too many frogs along the way! Lots of kids don't have their first kiss until 16 or even later, though they may tell you otherwise. I went to a similar sounding school as you, there was no dating, and that was ok, it was simpler. but back to you. I'm guessing you're afraid of the infamous 'french' variety? Understandable. First kisses should start with sweet, tender pecks. Hand holding can be really nice, and just as sweet. If you really can't talk to your parents, try to find another adult you can talk to. maybe an aunt? a friend"s mom? Most importantly, be yourself and follow both your heart and your head. One is no good without the other.
Thanks for the answers everyone! Very helpful :)