I can’t cope with the way my life is at the moment


I’ve been self-harming for the last 3.5 years, I have social anxiety and i’m very insecure about my appearance/body and just how i come across to people (may seem like I’m selfish/vain but i promise i’m not, i hate the way i look). All through my life, i’ve been lucky enough to have one absolutely amazing best friend, apart from our friendship isn’t that great anymore. When I spend time with her, whether she does it deliberately or not, she always makes me feel really small and self conscious. I’m not sure whether this is because I’m kind of mentally unstable or it’s her intention to make me feel this way (either way, i’d like to try and solve the problem). People always say that you shouldn’t spend time with people who make you feel bad about yourself, but she’s my best friend of 15 years and I can’t just let her go. I feel like I can’t talk to her about because of the way she makes me feel when I do try to speak to her, and also, perhaps due to my anxiety, I’m terrible at opening up to people and getting things off my chest. I’ve tried several times to overcome my self-harm problem but I seem to end up relapsing each time. I hate the way that my body is covered in scars, it makes me feel insecure and ugly, and that makes me want to self-harm, it’s the only way i can find release. I know it’s unhealthy and I can’t carry on with this but I can’t seem to do it alone.

Category: Tags: asked January 29, 2014

1 Answer

Self harm is not good, but neither is fighting with your best friend. Msg me some specific issues and maybe I can help more... You'll get through it!! ;)