I can’t control myself?


Whenever I have an emotion, I can never control it. For example, when I have an argument my anger becomes so powerful I feel like becoming violent and when I am happy I become hyper and ecstatic and euphoric and when I am sad I am suicidal. When I worry I obsess. Either that or I just feel absolutely nothing at all. Like, completely numb. I never feel just normal or ‘okay’. Has anyone ever experienced this?

Category: Tags: asked September 27, 2013

3 Answers

I've personally experienced the same type of thing. To keep myself calm I take some slow deep breaths and think about what the outcome would be like. Hope this helps.
I am actually a lot like that too, it feels very helpless when my emotions take over me like that. I'd try to let the thought of consequences rule out my emotions. Other than that, I usually channel them to create art (poetry, writing, painting, sketching, dancing, singing). For me creating anything abstract helps a whole lot (no pressure of making something perfect) I noticed it's really easy to create when you have an excess amount of emotions like that. It's a very good release. And It really does help.
I know what you're talking about. I've felt this way most of my life. I would suggest going to a psychologist or a therapist. It sounds like they could really help you, or you could even just talk to me :) I went and found out I have Borderline Personality Disorder, when everyone thought I was Bipolar. Now I'm taking the right therapy I need to get better and control my emotions. I still get worked up, I have black out rages where I yell and don't remember what I said. You can talk to me anytime you'd like, I'm definitely here if you need to vent.