I can’t concentrate.


I have major anxiety problems. I can’t concentrate for the life of me. I just really can’t focus and I think its cause I don’t want to be stuck in the past. Everything is going by way to quick and I’m missing out on opportunities because of it.

Category: Tags: asked February 2, 2014

1 Answer

bad memories can takeover your whole life.that's what they always do.you can't change the past you just can ACCEPT it and then just move on.there will come a moment that you find yourself lost and incapable of changing anything, even your thoughts.then you'll feel the time passes smoothly through you and you just can't do anything about it. i have been there for such a long time,if you really want to get the hell out of there you need to find your life a purpose, you need to find something to fight for. YOU DESERVE THE LIFE YOU'RE IMAGING OF ...