I am lost?


I don’t know what religion I am and it is bothering me. I don’t believe in what the Christians are saying, but I want to believe in something. I think that the Wicca religion has some cool aspects of it but I don’t know really what it is. I am more of a “Show me proof” kind of person also. Can you please help me?

Category: asked March 8, 2014

4 Answers

Try asking yourself "Why do I feel like I have to?"

The statement "I want to be part of something" is very telling. It doesn't have to be a religion. For example, I am an atheist Humanist. You're already part of the human race.
Well if you really want to believe in a religion. Do your research. Start studying up and reading about religions. I'm not very religious myself, I believe in god or that there is a higher being that I respect whoever he/she is and occasionally I pray before bed, but I lead a good life and I'm a good person and that's enough for me to be happy. Any who just read up and do your research ツ good luck Jasmine!
I was raised a christian then took off into wicca/satanism for 4 years, then found God. Not the dead Christianity i grew up in, but walking with God and he made the bible come alive!
Google "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. An athiest sets out to prove that Christ does not exist, and changes his mind after interviewing various experts and historians. It is available as a free download. This would answer a lot of your questions.