I already Miss her


alright then… here’s how it started
my friend introduced me to a group of his friends. one of them a girl named Alixandra. in my eyes, she is the most beautiful, the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. we get alone really well and I have a huge crush on her….so I told her. I sent her a really long massage on skype telling her how I wanted to be more them friends. she thought the massage was really sweet and kind. but she said that she’s kind of in an complicated relationship thing at the moment and she would be lying if she said she was over him enough to give another relationship a fair chance….and we could still be friends. now I told my friend about the convo we had on skype and…well e has a jealousy problem and liked her too. she felt like she was tearing apart a friendship and she flat out told us she just wants to be friends…and yeah that hurt at first but as time went by Alix (the girl I like) and I started flirting…allot and it seemed like she was starting to like me allot….annnnd my friend got jealous and he felt left out….AND THEN HE GOT DRUNK! after another friend told him that he’s a jerk and a perv he kept texting her and pming her on skype and it was freaking her out…he didn’t like how she likes to talking to me more then she liked talking to him……she felt like she was tearing up a friend ship again soooo she said she didn’t want to talk to us for awhile
and now I miss her
I feel like it’s all my fault and I wanna let her know me and my friend got it settled up and where still bros till the day we die
but if I do I’ll just annoy her…

Category: asked November 2, 2013

4 Answers

Woah okay xD It sounds like you're panicking A LOT, and that's not useful in any way right now. From a girl's perspective, I think she's currently pissed off that both of you are acting (sorry) quite immature. It's normal to miss her, and of course you suddenly want to talk to her, but she wanted to take a break not only to give herself time to think, but also to give you guys time to sort it out between yourselves. Use this break wisely, do what she hopes you'll do and just chill about the entire thing. Think about it. It sounds like you've already got the upper hand. It seems like your friend is an extremely panicky sort (his constant pms), and she doesn't like that. Don't turn into him, whether you miss her or not, or she'll just grow disdain for you as well. Once the break ends, tell her calmly in a very reasonable way everything that you've just thought. And try not to talk about the whole feud going on with your other friend. That might come off as a little childish to her, if she's that type of person.
You could try telling your friend that you'll drop him if he does something like that again, tell your girl that you will drop him if he does something like that again. I wonder if she's worried so much about ruining your friendship because she is not that serious with you, that could be also a topic of conversation you could investigate, but if she is explicitly open to try a new relationship with you, it's time to stop trying to hold all the people in your life when they are not compatible, at the risk of losing them all.
what kind of a girl is she? and what kind of a guy is your friend?
(Really NOT trying to insult or jump on her!!!!!!!!) If she's not woman enough to tell your friend to please don't be mad at you and respectfully tell him she just isn't interested and she likes you then it's her loss