Hows the best way to get over someone you loved?


Me and a girl were for say “Friends With Benefits” for like a year and i told her i loved her after about that year because i really thought i did, but then she moved away and i went to see her like every other weekend, and everything was good. and then outta no where she told me that we needed to take a break for a while. well after about 2 weeks of not tlking at all i tried to txt and call her to see how everything and she ignored everything. Well then i later found out tht she has found someone else to take my place. i just need help on ideas on how to get over here and for this pain to go away…

Tags: asked March 20, 2014

6 Answers

It's going to be painful for some time - but time, is going to be what solves it. Lose her number, unfriend her on Facebook, unfollow her on Twitter, don't be where she hangs out. Give it six months, maybe longer, then it'll be 'safe' for you to talk to her again. In the meantime, go out, be yourself, be with friends, meet other people, and don't let your thoughts of her hold you back from new experiences.
I would get rid of everything that reminds you of her, in your house, or just put it away.Maybe you should just talk about your feelings more, with other people. If you keep it bottled up, it'll make you feel worse. You can also talk to me anytime you need to, you can message me.Try to get out, and do more outdoor activities, it's better for you. If you got out and hung around some of your real life friends, then you would probably feel better.
It's going to be difficult but the best way is to try and not to think about talking to her for atleast a few months, get rid off or hide away anything that will remind you of her atm. I find it best to keep yourself busy meet up with friends go out etc. Take your mind of her and do what you will enjoy :)
Getting over someone that you loved is never an easy thing. Some of the best thing that would help is to erase all texts, put the gifts in the attic, and just try to avoid contact with her whenever possible. The fewer ties you hold on to the easier it will get over time.
To get over my old boyfriend I decided to cut out anything that reminded me of him. Deleted his phone number, deleted his texts, unfriended him on Facebook, deleted our photos and put the gifts he gave me away so I'd not see them. It took a lot of time but it worked, hope this helps.
One word- Time. The ironic thing about heartbreak is that it feels like your WHOLE life is utterly destroyed, and after some time you can just get up and move on as if nothing had happened. it feels like life is crashing down, but in the end you realize it's just a small part of you. It's like a really painful papercut. It hurts a LOT, but it heals without needing treatment. the BEST way to get over someone, is to give it time, stay away from her, go out, try your best to keep busy and after a while you will be okay :) keep your head up dude!