How would you accept a transgender woman?


Hi I ask my question “How would you accept a transgender woman” because well I am one! I want to know how you feel about the topic transgender or transgender people for that matter. People hear a lot about lesbians and gays and bisexuals but I at least don’t really hear much about a person wanting to change their sex! So for everyone out there please message me on this topic. Add me as a friend to ask me direct questions.

Category: asked May 16, 2014

9 Answers

Like any other person :) I would accept any trans person 100% and want to help them however I could, especially knowing the issues many trans people face and the danger society often allows them to be in (especially trans women, unfortunately). People are people, they are who they say they are and policing someone's identity over personal beliefs or the person's biology is horrible and closed minded. It makes me extremely upset that there are so many bigoted people out there, and it makes me more upset that these kinds of narrow minded awful people actually drive people to harming/killing themselves for who they are. Everyone should be able to freely be who they are without fearing for their safety, without being shunned or suppressed or otherwise forced to be someone they aren't. I admire all the amazing people out there who have the courage to be who they are no matter the lengths they have to go to do so.
Hey there, that's easy for me as I think everyone should live how they want to live and as they feel comfortable and 100% themselves, so well done. I would accept you fully. Most people I know would too, I think it depends on your political leaning, morals and values, your generation and social background, education and upbringing. Gay and lesbian are in the media much more than transgender people, I think because the marriage equality debate is so rife. But I know that transgender are usually included in their discussions, debates and protests.
Hi <3 You ask "How" and I have no idea how to respond to that because I wouldn't hesitate when accepting you or any other individual. We are who we are and society shouldn't tell us otherwise, right? Who cares what we have biologically, it's how we perceive ourselves that matters. I'm not sure if you've gone through the full physical surgery but that doesn't change a thing either! You're still the same individual you are on the inside no matter what parts you have on the outside and people should accept that. Physical appearance is definitely not a good nor perfect indication of how a person really is.

It's a shame that people don't know as much about transgender individuals because it means that so many people are misinformed and form horrible stereotypes (that really goes for anything that people don't know much about). Ignorance is honestly a bane. I'm not sure if you asked your question because you wanted some support or reassurance or maybe neither of those things and you were just curious, nevertheless, keep on hanging, beautiful <3 And don't let anyone get you down!
As you would accept a natural woman
I have no problem with accepting transgender people c: I know a few personally, and they're all amazing people. I think it's quite admirable that someone is willing to go to certain lengths to be comfortable with who they really are.

I think as long as they make it obvious that they want to be referred to as a certain gender, then I find it easy to get along with them c:
The way I look at it is everyone is still the same person, no matter what they do to their genitalia or otherwise! You're perfect just the way you are! ^_^
I see transgender people as the gender they identify themselves as, I have no issues with the topic. If you're comfortable as you are, fine by me. :)
Thanks everyone for the encouraging responses I have read them all please keep them coming as I plan on keeping everyone in touch with my progress! :) thank you!!
like any other person.