How to think when answering complicated work-related questions?


hi. I emailed someone regarding volunteering to help them create a website and got asked how “large knowledge” I have in the field. I guess I may be over thinking this but nothing new that my self-esteem is at the bottom- how should I think when answering such a question without sounding like an idiot? I’d generally want to start with talking about how I started webdev when I was 10 and I’m mostly self taught though I have some basic courses taken in the field.

- Edit; Thank you The Invisible Healer for your kind words and advice. I got a promising response and you upped my courage.

Category: asked April 3, 2014

1 Answer

I would recommend expressing as much information regarding you knowledge in the area as you can without making it lengthy to read. You want to make sure the reader can follow what your saying so they can get an accurate reading on what you know. Make sure to give specifics if they are wondering what programming languages you know, years of experience, etc. You should be fine. Good luck!