How to never fall in love EVER again?


I always fall with the wrong guy and in the end, it ALWAYS never works out. I really need a long break for myself. I need to be happy for a while and not because I’m happy because i’m in love. i wanna be happy because i feel free. How am i supposed to do that? How am i supposed to avoid falling in love? How am i supposed to not have a little crush on a guy? Please help me. And please do not answer something like “you cant avoid it” or “you will fall in love again” i just really need some tips to avoid falling in love in a long, long time. Thank you.

Category: Tags: asked April 21, 2014

5 Answers

Make sure your friends know you're not looking for love, try to make sure everyone knows, tell a friend, tell him or her to tell someone else they trust (and so on- is this a stupid idea? I think it would work though). People won't try to hit on you and they will just stay friends.Make boundaries, don't let people get ''too close'', keep your distance from them if you feel like his or your feelings are evolving towards love :). Rationalize people, don't love with your heart, love with your head. Think about how this guy might help you and care for you, on the other hand if you feel like you're falling in love with a bad boy you can think about it and then take some distance so you don't get hurt again. If the chance is small for him to hurt you and you've thought everything through maybe you can have a relationship again? (if you want to ofc).Try to give the right ''signs'' when talking to a guy. Keep a straight face when he tells a joke that isn't funny, don't touch him (this has a way bigger impact than you would think) and don't text first :) . Are you sure you want to do this, living a loveless life? You have to be brave to love, determine for yourself if you're brave or not :) But whatever you do what makes you happy is the right thing to do. Being happy isn't the same as not being lovehurt...Goodluck!
There no way you won't fall in love again, but for now just try doing things for yourself, to make you happy. Love is going to happen no matter what you do and when you least expect it. Don't worry about finding that special someone, you already have and it's you! Just focus on doing for yourself, once you're happy, then you will be able to move on.
In my experience, when you don't search love it will come :) Anyway, if you don't want to see boys for a while, try to make your days busy. Go out with other friends, and if someone asks you out just decline. I think the best thing to do is to be strong and don't accept an invitation until you feel that you like a lot the guy. This way you can stay away from crushes but also keep the door open to a new, more important love. Wish you luck :)
Make, assert and enforce boundaries; with yourself and with others. Emotional control is difficult to learn, but by no extension impossible. It takes time and a great deal of effort, but do not lose heart, you can do it if you set your mind to it.
distance yourself from guys. when guys ask you out say no your focusing on you. you don't need a guy to make you happy. go out with friends and go to a party or bowling or a dance club.