How to mend a broken heart?


My ex, who I dated for almost 4 years cheated on me. While we were dating he married a girl in the air force. She was stationed in TX then got deployed, we were in a different state living together. Three years later he joined the air force got stationed in TX and had a baby with her. All the while I was back in our home state receiving daily phone calls, emails, visits every two weeks. When I finally found out I was beyond heart broken. Had to go to counseling. I was put on antidepressants…and my life has not been the same. I just cant seem to find happiness or solace anywhere and I’m going on 3 years feeling this way. What should I do?

Category: Tags: asked June 24, 2014

5 Answers

There's really no "right" thing to do. What he did was BEYOND heartless and I can't express how much my heart hurts for you. There are healthy things you can do. First you can cry. Cry a lot and cry until there are no more tears to cry. Then once the waterworks are over, go be happy. If you're visibly depressed you're just letting him win. Tell yourself every day you are worthy of someone amazing because YOU ARE amazing. Love yourself. If you don't love yourself you can't love anyone else. Go out with friends. Dress up and do your hair and makeup. Take pictures. Go on a vacation. Read a book. Stuff your face with junk food - it won't ruin your life. But don't become consumed with the past and all that's happened. It will only put you in the wrong direction. You need to keep moving. The right one will come to you, probably when you least expect it. Don't let life pass you by; you gotta embrace every single day you've got. It's gonna be okay. I promise you.
well i certainly hope you arent pining over that loser. have you been dating? what do you want in a relationship, companionship? just fun? marriage? you should find some chat lines on the net & chat with some guys.
Thats a lot to take in. I can somewhat understand your pain. It is difficult to fill a void in your heart. Try to meet other people, not so much another guy, but friends. Talk with family, friends, and anybody you feel comfortable with. Don't let sadness, and depression fester inside you. I hope you find happiness, and peace.
Ben and Jerrie's cookie dough ice cream, the best cure for a broken anything.
Cry as much as you can mourn it, and get it to the point where you feel as if you've given yourself closure. Accepting that he's not coming back will be the hardest thing you ever had to do (maybe), and it will hurt. Maybe more than you're hurting now. But then it won't stretch out and he won't waste anymore of your precious time. It's sad, really, that he's wasted so much of it already. Do not rebound though. It won't help to get yourself, or anyone else, in another relationship