How to make yourself less depressed when you even don’t have time to catch a breath.


I have been fight with depressed for a long time, and its like seasons – come and go, but of course for me the worst time is when the school starts. I have always so many ideas how to make myself happy, but when I do a little step the responsibilities of school, like learning and in my case being a person who prefer to make somebody happiness more important than my own (yeah… stupid), slow me down, and give so much stress than it’s even getting worse, than i make some excuse just to simply cry and run from everything, but when i try stand up… do little step, everything just comes around. I don’t sleep, eat always at night, pretend everything’s great ,smoke a pack a day, and for more important scared of what bring futures, and how i’m gonna make it.

Category: asked October 6, 2014

4 Answers

Hi dude - I'm sorry you're feeling crap. Previous posters have been right in that pills won't fix the problems, but they will give you that space to breathe and maybe plan out how you're going to fix the underlying problems. I can only speak from personal experience, but I was at a point where I was so caught up in my own thoughts that even trying to unravel the actual problem was impossible. Going on antidepressants gave me the mental space to look objectively at my situation and see what was going wrong. If pills aren't your thing, it might be worth taking a break from everything - depression is a real illness with real physical effects, and your employer or school/college HAS to give you compassionate leave. Getting some space from the situation should allow you to look back and see what's making you feel this way. If you need to chat, then just PM me and I'll get back to you as quick as I can. You're not alone!
I think for starters, you telling us that you don’t sleep, eat always at night, pretend everything’s great and smoke a pack a day indicates to me that you already know where you are going wrong...
You're not taking care of yourself. You dont love yourself and you're trying to get that love from others around you through doing what they want and trying to make sure they're happy before making sure you are...
I honestly cant say you are exactly depressed as much as i can say you just have a really bad mindset... I cant say what from, perhaps your parents, your friends, yourself...All i can see though is you are sad and lost, not depressed. Because anti depressants wont get you anywhere, they wont help you open your mind UNLESS you have been struggling with this for most of your life...Than maybe you do have a chemical imbalance and need professional help. But as far as i can see, you're what 18? you're a teen that has perhaps been through a lot and needs someone to talk to and needs to learn to help themselves and needs to want to love themselves. If you dont want to you wont get anywhere..
Please note that pills wont get you anywhere except make you feel happy. thats it. that wont help in the long run and if you really really want to get better, quit smoking, go to bed at better hours, or just get more hours, eat more often, dont pretend but actually try to make things better and if you already are trying to make things better, dont pretend, its ok, know whatever is bothering you is not okay and let them (other people) know it too. No more hiding, its ok to be you and love you. PS: I know quitting smoking is difficult, i used to. (hence the word, used)
I hope this helps you and opens your eyes, if you need any more help on the matter, feel free to inbox me. And if this didnt help...*shrug* sorry, i aint no professional. Just someone that gives a damn.
In my experience, real, lasting happiness comes from God. Look for him first. Also find someone you can confide in. It will help tremendously.
I think everyone's advice is very commendable and has a lot of helpful aspects. Coming from a place where I have lived with mental illness all of my life and I can assure you I am much older and most of you, I feel your pain. I have two kids which suffer from depression as well. Yes, depression is an illness just like any other, and yes there are many ways of treating it, including medication. However, medication is hit or miss, it does not work for everyone, but it can help at time. I was one of those skeptics all of my life until sh!t hit the fan and I had to buckle and take it. The first few times did not help at all, but I finally found the right combination that has actually saved my life. The bottom line, you do not have to live like this. You are special, and wonderful. You need to tell yourself that all the time. Don't wait for other to tell you that. Don't forget about yourself. You have to come first ALWAYS. Learn that make it your mantra. A person that is depressed will never be able to just "think positive" , "look at the bright side", "if you try it will get better" that does not work. Why? Because our brain is not wired that way. BUT, it can be, if you learn to re wire it and you do that by getting help, slowly. How, talk therapy. Making "YOU" the most important person in your life. It works, not right away but it does. As the other person said you are definitely not alone.