How to make online friends?


I’m really lonely with a lot of social anxiety that I’m working on. I’d like to start by making a few more online friends. Any tips?

asked May 19, 2013

6 Answers

Sign up to this site and send friend requests around, one at a time :-)

I'll be your first friend if you want me :-)

Hey. I'd love to be your friend and I'm sure there are others on this site that'll love that too.
paypal usually does it for me. give em a couple bucks, and you basically get to buy all the friends you can afford.
Just like in real life, it's best to do something you enjoy. Participating in something together is a great place to start talking and build the necessary foundation for friendship. If you have any hobbies, games, etc, look for a discussion group.
Be my friend?
Simple. Do WHATEVER it is you do in real life, and friendly people will come along. A word of advice is don't do anything outrageous for attention. These things can come back on you, and you don't want that. Trust me, there are MANY people online with the same anxiety problems that you have!Create a Tumblr account if you don't have one. It's an online blog.Create a MeetMe account, but don't put tooo much personal information on it.