How to get help without meds?


I seemingly have everything going for me. 3 awesome kids, a great wife, good home, my own business – All things I have said I want. But I never seem happy. I am always disorganized, I cant stick to any routine i try to start, and I am typing in this damn box…

Category: Tags: asked May 18, 2013

1 Answer

Join or start a group in real life for this sort of thing. Women have book clubs, guys have golf or something. Somewhere to escape to with likeminded folks. Maybe you're sick of normal life? All the responsibility.
Maybe take a break from your business, go on holiday; sounds like everything is draining you; you're giving so much of yourself for family and work you've nothing for yourself, to relax or otherwise.
You need to rejuvenate yourself, I think. Spiritually or physically, either way, take time for yourself at some point. A dinner with the missus, without work or kids, or something calming