How to forget friend who I fall in love with?


I know this friend for 8 years, and before 2 years we become friends with benefits. I fall in love with him, he didn’t fall for me, at least he said it then.. But we talked online for 8 hours a day, we were planning for future, like going on vacation, going on concerts etc., and he was always shivering when he was around me. So, one day we decided to stopp mingle and be toghter because he didn’t feel anything for me. And he never been into real relationship before, he said he doesn’t want to bound, this was maybe the longest “relation” he ever had.. So when we split, I didn’t hear or seen him for 6 months. One day I decided to go out with intention to see him and be with him. And I didn’t call him or text him I found him in the club, there he was. Like ment to be. Later that night, we decided to all go home, and he just walked with me in my house in my bed with no word said. And so we spent night together. After that, we heard few times and I really thought he was interested in me, so I called him to my birthday with intention to be with him and tell him all, so he came and everything was great till he said he has a girlfriend. I was so devasteted and end up crying because he didn’t tell me in private but in front off all our friends. Everyone attacked him that he is lying, because he never had gf, but it is true. So after that, I call him on a side and ask him is this true and he said yes it is, I was so angry and desperate so I went home in tears. My friends told him that he is idiot and why he did this on my birthday and why didn’t he told me at least in private.. He said he is sorry and so on.. But thats the way it is.. I said to him that he must block me from all networks so I cant see or hear what is he doing, at first he didn’t want to, but then I told him that I’m still into him. And even after 6 months break my feeling didn’t change a bit.. So he said again he is sorry and he will do it for me.. And that is it. But the problem is now, that I’m too sensitive and I can’t deal with this, because it was too long and he was my friend who know everything about me and whom I have deep conection. I don’t know how to get over him, because I stalk him and our friends in hope that I can find something he put on facebook or someting.. But it can only hurt me.. I just can’t stop. I don’t want to see him and I know he is bastard but I also know if he send me anything I will forgive him all.. All the time I have picture of him and that girl and how they are happy togheter. And it just isn’t any better it just hurt me more..I can’t let him go. How to let go? I know he is idiot and doesn’t deserve me at all. I just need a lot of advice how to behave and what to do.. Thank you all! :)

Category: asked May 30, 2013

2 Answers

This is so sad. Well, i was in this kind of situation like a year ago. I was totally in love with him and always broke down and ended up crying when i see him happy with his new girl. But as they say "Time is the best physician". We can't really do this. We need to do this kind of heart break on our own. As the time pass by you'll forget, trust me! Because i was like you. Right person is waiting for you. I don't mean that you should stop stalking him and tracking him down. Because i did that too. But as the day pass by and months pass by, i realise that it's waste of my time and nothing and i get bored and tired. Finally, i give up and guess what? I move on! and now i'm happy on my own. When i see him and his girl i just smile and say myself "My prince charming is waiting for me somewhere, all i need to do is find or wait". :) I guarantee that you'll move on and forget this as the time pass by.
I am sorry for you situation, but let there be hope. Turn this situation from a negative stand point into a positive learning experience. Time, patience and experience will help you heal only if you allow it. It is easy enough to get caught up with the past. As Rafiki from Lion King said to Simba, "The past can hurt, but you can either run from it, or learn from it." So asking your ex-boyfriend to block/cut all connections with you is running away from the problem.
Instead, give yourself a break and start a new chapter in your life. Do activities/hobbies that makes you happy: reading, gardening, baking, et. Letting go is easier said than done. Why carry such a burden of the past when you can enjoy your life as it comes with new places to discover, people to meet, and great food to eat. It definitely takes time to let go, but with enough willpower, you can achieve it. Think positively and carry on!