How to deal with the death of a sibling?


My brother was killed in a motorcycle accident on July 4th 2013. So the first anniversary is coming up and i can already feel like i will need so much help:/

Category: asked June 23, 2014

4 Answers

When I was 15 I lost my sister. She was my best friend, she was my other parent. I just passed our 14 year anniversary in November of last year. I'm going to tell you something you don't want to hear, but understand its part of it. Its going to always hurt. Deal with it by talking to your parents, friends, teachers, even a preacher if you go to church (or even if you don't, if they're any good at their job I'm sure they wont' mind listening anyway). Deal with it by loving him, knowing he's always going to be there. He's not here the way you want him to be, but he's never going to leave you. I see my sister in my dreams and feel her around when life is hardest (and even happiest). He's there sweetheart. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Unfortunately you never 'get over' losing a sibling, you just get through it. One day, one tear, one anger fit, and one laugh at a time. I'm not sure how this site works, but if you need to talk and it will let you email me please do so. I know exactly how you feel.
Remember of the good times you had with your brother. Don't be sad, be strong for him, he wouldn't want you to be sad.
Like all the others have said, reflect on those wonderful memories you have of your brother. Allow yourself to grieve, but not to be too self indulgent in your mourning. Use your grief as a stepping stone to healing. And most important of all, allow yourself to feel, to cry, let it go and cleanse your soul. I know this pain seems endless but bit by bit you can seed through it and finally, cherish only those fond memories and let the pain fade into the distance.
I have a tradition when I lose someone very close to me. I try to take part of their life and add it to mine. This is my way of honoring their memory and a continued way for them to improve the quality of my life and possibly others.

When my brother died I was young and started the idea. I wasn't sure what I should do but I felt since he was so young (10) that I had to live life twice as big to make up for the life he wouldn't have. I started to try and make the most of life and find ways to be happy. I took risks and lived a little crazy (not stupid).

When my step father died I started to donate blood as often as possible because he was given blood before he died and it had a dramatic effect on his quality of life for a few weeks.

My grandmother died I started to go outside and just sit and enjoy the nice weather. My grandmother always wanted to be outside if she could... even to just listen to the birds. I also started to bake cookies to give away... I only ever eat one to be sure they are good.