How to deal with self harm scars?


When people ask you about self harm scars, should you tell them straight up even if you don’t know them very well or it is better to make up an excuse? Should you be embarrassed about self harm scars? Thanks for any answers you can give xxx

Tags: asked May 21, 2014

6 Answers

Self harm scars will always be a part of you. Do what ever makes you comfortable. If you're comfortable with telling people straight up, then do that. But if you aren't you don't owe those people an explanation.I don't think you should be embarrassed, like i said they are with you for life.
If you feel comfortable telling people, then go ahead. If not, then don't. At the end of the day it's no one's business and you're not obligated to say anything. And to answer your other question, no, you shouldn't be embarrassed. It was a hard time in your life that you went through and the scars just mean you got through it. :)
You don't necessarily have to make up an excuse just politely say that they're scars from the struggles in your life though self harm isn't the safe way to deal with problems in your life but don't be ashamed of them and don't tried to hide them. The scars on my writs only made me stronger of the person I use to be. Don't hide them accept them.
Thanks so much guys!!! I found this really helpful, and after reading the messages I think I'm just going to be straight up with people and not be ashamed. This has made me feel a lot better, thank you =-)
I think honesty is usually the best. But, if you feel uncomfortable telling them, then don't. Self-harm scars are nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. You were going through a rough time. I hope this helped at least a little bit! <3
I once dated a guy who experienced some hard times and turned to self harm. In his recovery, I made a thick band for him to put over his wrist for wear like a bracelet. I just wrote small, inspirational messages on it. He said he really loved it and it helped to give him good memories rather than a reminder of poor times. That way, he also got to "patch it up" with love -as cheesy as that sounds. People started pointing out the bracelet and asking about it instead of his scars, and that also helped him. Maybe if you have a good friend who knows about the problem in depth to do a similar thing, it will help keep your mind in a positive place as it did him. :)