How to deal with fake people?


I noticed my “style” is constantly being copied by a girl I once called my friend.
She started to wear the same sweaters like me. talking about the music I listen to ( even though she doesn’t know any real bands ) she studies tattoo designs suddenly and she even tries to talk like me. and now she wants to practice tarot card reading too!! THIS IS INSANE
This is aggravating me a lot honestly. I have been told by a ton of her friends that she wants to be “accepted” just like how I am but everytime I tried talking to her about this, she denied everything and said I’m copying her!! I tried ignoring her but now she follows me around the school.
It’s just too much

Category: asked December 15, 2014

2 Answers

Be confident in yourself. Who cares if she wants to copy you, see it as a compliment. There's a saying copying is the biggest form of flattery. You are the original, she is a poser. Be fine just knowing its true, no need for her to acknowledge it. Head held high, you do your own thing, you don't need to copy anyone.
how to deal with them? don't deal with them. why waste your time?