How to deal with anger?


I have tried to cope with it alot……..its just i need to break something or slam a wall or stick my nails into my arm really bad so i can become normal and no longer be angry…music helps but it can only do so far…help?

Category: asked March 3, 2014

2 Answers

meditate and reach zen
Anger is hard to deal with if it has become a habit. Just like all habit's it seems impossible to break. You will never truly never be angry again, but there are ways you can cope. The cliche close your eyes and count to ten, or leave the room to get some air, is actually pretty sound advice. Anything to take you away from the here and now, anything to take you away from acting out rashly in the moment, is good for your anger. Once you have separated yourself from the environment, try to separate yourself completely from yourself. Look at your anger from a different point of view. Tell yourself you are angry, and why you are angry, as you converse with yourself it will get easier to calm down, because now that anger has become objective. If you CAN'T get away from the environment, just tell whoever is talking to you, to give you a minute or two to think. Use that minute, count to 30 and tell yourself what is going on from a different persons point of view. It will ease you at least a little. You won't be able to do this right away, but if you keep at it you will find that it gets easier and easier. Also if it really is uncontrollable, go get therapy.