How to deal, with a repetitive episodes.


Alright, I do suffer from a case of PTSD. I served in the military, but this should pretty much fall under a lot of others who have some experiences.

Around this time of the year, my distrust and hate of people increases to it’s max. My meds really don’t help around this time. Since this is when, I was betrayed by my fellow soldiers. Ever since than, Around this time I disconnect myself from everything and people. I even, manage to erase people from my memory. Still trying to figure that one out. But, I never go back to them or speak with them again.

Sometimes they do try to talk to me. But only a few, ever do. It really becomes an awkward moment when I can’t remember their names or where I know them from. But I can remember there face to a certain extent. It’s about the only thing that connects the dots for me. However, I do everything in my power to stay away from them. I have even, done this to family. There are a few members, of my family. That I can’t remember much of them. On top of that I avoid them like the plague after I do this.

So my question to anyone on here. Is do you know, how to avoid allowing a certain time frame or day to affect you in a negative way?
Is there any tricks or hobbies, that can keep me from repeating this over and over?

I did have someone tell me it’s similar to what a suicidal person will do before they kill themselves. But, I don’t have the feeling to do so. I do give away any item, that connects me with a person and forget them. But, I have a belief that keeps me from harming myself.

Any tips?

Category: asked December 29, 2013

2 Answers

I'm sorry - I'm not really familiar with PTSD. But if it's not out of your power it looks like you need to give yourself a new start. If being surrounded with people from your past gives you these negative triggers, maybe it's worth investing into finding a new set of people to surround yourself with? When you're ready, of course. Sorry if my advice is useless it's the only thing I could think of.
No no. I understand. but, when it comes to meeting new people. I will only do the same. I get to know someone. But right around this time of the year, I throw it all away. This includes memories of them. No memory problems. Because I can remember, what I've done. I can also remember, everything through out the year. Just only around this time.For instance, I've disabled all of my original accounts. Can't remember the names of the people I hang out with and destroyed some of the stuff that was given to me. But it was a good try, thank you.