How to cope with confidence issues?


I know this is weird and even slightly embarrassing, but here it is: I’m turning 18 in just a few days and I just started college. I’m having a hard time adjusting and it’s really frustrating to me that aside from class, there’s little to occupy my time in a productive way. Basically, I’m bored. I kind of want to start dating, but the embarrassing part- that I’ve never dated, kissed, or even almost dated anybody- keeps holding me back. It’s like there’s this voice in the back of my mind that keeps telling me that since I’m already 18 years old and have never dated, there’s something terribly wrong with me and it’s never going to happen. I feel like the dorkiest person on earth. I don’t know if it’s an issue with my personality, or my appearance, or anything else, but I’m really frustrated and kind of sad and could really use some advice. I’m losing my confidence.

Category: Tags: asked August 20, 2013

4 Answers

Maybe you should find somewhere to volunteer in your community? Or get a part-time job? I just moved to a new town to go to university and I haven't met any friends here yet, but I've been looking for somewhere to volunteer so I can meet some like-minded people.

I think the best thing for confidence is doing things that make you feel good. Whether that's pampering yourself with a facial or going to the woods for a hike, doesn't matter, as long as it's something you enjoy doing.

I used to have confidence issues due to having acne, and the best thing I ever did for myself was accept myself the way I was with all my flaws (acne included). The lucky person who gets to be your boyfriend will also love you for all your flaws, too! You don't want to be with somebody who only likes certain parts of you, anyways. You want somebody who loves all of you.

The best advice I have for you is to stop worrying about finding somebody to date in the present, and start worrying about helping your future self find somebody to date. By this I mean, do things in the present that will help you find somebody to date in the future. Like learn things that you find interesting, partake in some interesting experiences, just have lots of fun with yourself. The more you go out and do the activities you enjoy, the more likely you are to meet somebody doing those very same activities.
I know everyone says you have to face your fears when it comes to confidence issues, I think that is only half the solution. I am not confident at all, not in my body or myself. And I won't lie I have the exact same problem. I find it so hard to basically have any kind of social life because I get so nervous and the voice in my head is judging me on what I have and haven't done. It's called social anxiety. A fear that everyone is judging you and all eyes are on you, watching you and criticizing you on every move you make or every little thing you say. It sounds hard but all you can really do is keep going out and trying to feel confident in they way you act. Ignore the voices in your head cause in reality no one is that fussed that you haven't dated anyone. Just get yourself out there.
A lot of people in college haven't dated you should not feel weird. Think about the home school kids. If you need to build confidence you can fake it until you actually feel confident. Or find an activity you rock at and hangout with people of similar interest and feel comfortable. You will be fine. Most freshman are nervous like you, you are all in the same boat
I'm sorry that you have to deal with confidence issues, just know that you are never alone. It's not unusual to feel down about yourself, a lot of people do. What I want to say is that just because you haven't had a first kiss anything absolutely does not mean that you are a dork, or a loser. It just means you haven't found anyone worth kissing. It'll make your first kiss, your first love, your first serious relationship that much more meaningful. Hey, it might even be good that you haven't had a first kiss yet. It means you have enough respect for yourself and enough pride in yourself to wait for the right person and the right time. <3