How to clarify jumbled emotions?


I struggle with feeling many different emotions equally all at once. Meaning that I may initially get angry at something but 2.5 seconds later I feel sorry or want to laugh it off, etc… This is something I have realized more and more as I have become more mature. I have the ability to see all factors of a situation and all sides. However, sometimes it is like a curse to me.. I am so back and forth on things.. I feel one way for about 1 minute and then feel a complete other way. I just want to know if there is any ways of sorting through this and coming to a realization of how I really feel about a situation. IT IS SO EXHAUSTING trying to understand how I feel and that makes me want to just give up and just let it go.. but it is important to me to stand up for myself or to apologize or stand up for whats right.. etc. Anyways if anyone has any insight on this please help!

Tags: asked July 7, 2014

2 Answers

Ive had to deal with this type of emotional confusion before and yea it is exhausting. That being said there are a few things that tend to make it easier to deal with. The first thing to be mindful of is that emotions are not all or nothing. What I mean is that feeling one emotion (in general or regarding a specific person or instance) does not mean that emotion is all you feel. Think of it this way, if you have ever gotten into a fight with someone you care for you are probably angry, but you still care for them the anger does not replace the love. That also has to do with the next point, from my experience feeling multiple emotions often occurs when there are specific things that each emotion is related to. like in the previous example the anger is about the fight but the love is about the person as a whole. And most importantly DO NOT try to convince yourself out of feeling something, don't say that since I am now angry i cannot be happy or vice-versa. Whatever emotion you felt was true at the time you felt it, fighting against your emotions is counterproductive as they are often messengers for something important. Message me if you want to talk more on the subject or anything else.
I think when you feel that way just accept it. Its okay. Fighting it is even more exhausting. Write down your emotions, take a walk or draw. Usually this happens when you are feeling overwhelmed so take a nap, make sure your getting enough sleep or do some exercise and make sure you are eating right. Dealing with problems saves a lot of grief. Give yourself time to heal. Know that the answer is within you and that you are not ignoring that intuitive side of you and confusing other people's thoughts and feelings with your own. Yes its important to do what you feel is right. Listen to that voice! Apologize when necessary take full responsibility for wrong doings and confront other when they hurt you. Whether they acknowledged you or not that's on them you said your piece. And maybe your relationships have to change. Hope that helps some.