How to be closer to my younger sister?


I’m not always good at expressing my feelings to those I love and now that my sister is growing up, age 11, I want to be closer to her because I feel as though it’s getting too late. As the older sibling, age 19, I might have been seen as the demanding parent role. I have been responsible for her and many other things around the house but I would like move from that and become her friend. I find it odd that when I was younger I never played with her simply because of our age difference and because I matured beyond my own age. I would like to make up for that and be the best sister I can be. What are some tips to gain her trust and show how much I care for her?

Category: Tags: asked October 5, 2013

6 Answers

Try finding out what she's into. She must have interests, hobbies, a favorite band, favorite TV show? Try getting into that with her or engage her in a conversation about what she likes - that'll help. Bonding experiences always help. Don't force her though if she doesn't wanna share everything with you. If she sees you more as a parent than as a sister it's probably gonna be harder. But work on it, it'll be worth it for a good relationship with your sister! Good luck :)
When my sister started to want to get closer I could tell, she asked me to watch a movie in the living room one afternoon and I said yeah sure! So after dinner I went in and she had made popcorn and bought sweets and brought down a covers to enjoy. From then on those little things made me feel like she was interested in me, we started to make our own pizzas and chat about school and work and now that I’ve moved away we Skype :) The biggest thing is making time to do sister things like paint each other’s nails or enjoy a “teenagery” tv show :) hope that helps!
im 14 and i have an older sister who is 17, we are pretty close and we often tease each other about things but i know i can talk to her if i really need help. it probably helps that there is only 3 years between us but i think even if she was older that wouldnt do much of a change. chances are that your little sister already looks up to you. i know i look up to my sister. if you let her know you care about her by spending time with her and showing her you love her just by doing things for her she will most likely open up to you on her own. let her know you are always there for her maybe she doesnt know you wanna be close to her. since shes starting her teenage years she could use the advice and guidance from an older role model. she will look up to you and trust you easily cause you are her sister. if you are open with her she will open up to you to. best of luck. xo
My sister and I are 14 years apart, she's 6 and I'm 20, so I definitely get the whole "parenting role." But get closer to her is really super easy. Just have "sister days." Go spend a day doing things that she enjoys doing ... but treat her to it. Don't nag or whine if it's not something you're totally into, but also open up to her about what's going on in your life, etc. As you have more days like this, you'll surely find some middle ground on what you're both interested in. Explore those common interests and the two of you will find entirely new things that you both enjoy doing and can potentially become the "thing I only do with my sister."
Talk to her about boys.

Trust me, I have a little sister and talking to her about shit like which One Direction kid she likes the best, or if shes met any cute guys in her school really gets her to open up. That's all what girls think about at that age anyway, so hit her with that.
Talk to her about her interests, joke around with her, ask her questions. If you seem genuinely interested in her, she will probably feel able to reach out to you as well. Take her out somewhere, just the two of you to somewhere she likes. Try as hard as you can to distance yourself from that motherly role and try to fill in the big sister/friend role as best you can.