How should I deal with my dad who has bipolar disorder?


My dad has always had a hot temper and yells about everything I do, but recently he has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I love him a lot, but he breaks my things and hurts me emotionally constantly. What should I do?

Category: asked June 18, 2014

3 Answers

Its very difficult at times living with some one who has a mental disorder.But as long as Das takes his meds things should settle .Be patient,but also make sure you time some time out for you.If it means go out for a while,go read in your room, what ever it takes that you get some time out from all this as well.
Things may take a few weeks to start to settle,if there shows no change after around 6 weeks from when the meds started,then he may need to go back to the Doctor,or just call him to let them know whats going there might be some ajustment needed in what he is taking.
Give him some time to get his medication in balance and forgive him. Mental illness is not something that is just over come all at once. Give him some time, space, and do your best to keep up on your responsibilities. A relationship with your father is worth having so it's something you'll have to work at as nothing worth having is easy... Time will make this easier.
Patience and love