How long before I’m over her?


Hai ^0^)/ (yes i’m a girl) Please exuse my poor grammer. (I dislike english subject (/.v) I remeber the first day i talk to her, we were just in 8th grade (yes i was very young) it was a bit after school started, i was just walking a bit when i spotted her i just went over to say hi and hopefully have a company since my bestfriend wasn’t at school that day. i never really knew that i would end up liking or start falling for her, i just wanted to chat because i knew her sister back in 7th grade when we would work on a project for science. They were twin and every body get confuse of who is who but ever since day one i alway knew who was who, so when i got to her it went kinda like this.
“hehe i know your sister.”
“yea so um, can i walk with you?”
“um sure.”
After that we just chatted a bit about our self and what we like and don’t like, ever since then she would walk with me when she would see me walking alone or sometime when i see her, and only after school since we don’t have class together. After awhile is when i started to pay attention to the feeling i got when i see, hear, or think about her.

A feeling that i first ignore after our first talk, then i just went and thought about how strong my feeling are. I would say is was very strong liking i have. Summer come and go Freshman started and i forgot about the feeling, but when i saw her when i enter my first class all this feeling came back like small lighting match drop into a liquid of gas. I started getting nervous and then she spotted me and i just froze i didn’t know what wrong with me then my teacher spoke up.
“we’ll have a sitting chart.”
My heart started beating fast as if you were caught stealing something, because i knew if she put us by abc by our last name then she either would be sitting next to me or behind. Luckly she sat in a back sit in a row while i sit the front one on the next one. but the row just had 4 desk so we still a close distance. When we had free time i would talk to her a bit since we’re the only one in the class that know eachother than the rest, later i found out she was also in two of my other class and i just thought that maybe if i keep talking to her i will just think of her as a friend but boy was i wrong. We still walk together but not much as before. I tried going out with the cute i guy that i thought i would like but it didn’t work out. Later i told my bestfriend and she was surpise for a bit but then told me that i’m still that same me that she know since we were in diaper. Second semester started and some of our class changed. She was no longer in any of my classes and that when i thought i would get over her but then i remeber our locker is just three locker away. I would still see her but i can avoid it most of the time, i would stay hi to her and her sister when i we make eyes contact. i could still tell them apart from miles away, awhile later i notice i’m getting over her but that was during Spring break. When i saw her again BANG it hit me even harder, she isn’t doing nothing yet she making me fall harder everytime. Later one of my friend confess to me that she like me since the beging of freshmen but she told me that she already knew that i like someone else and she just wanted to get it of her chest and get over me. (i guess i was showing it a bit, i’m still friend with her and she got over me) Summer came and go again and now is sophmore year and when i saw her it didn’t hit me as i though it would (maybe because i suspect it) but there still some ligering feeling there like i still want to see, hear, and talk to her. The first couple of the start of school i occansionly see her and my heart would jump and pump fast but i still don’t think about her as much but still… there something there holdong me, and i have been falling for almost 2 1/2 years for her. Now i only have a class with her sister and we’re talking and working together like old time. I know i have to get over it even if it still there, as long as i don’t feel it as much. Because i know she won’t ever think about me and i guess she very.. religious? (we have the same religion but i sure she more than me) I can’t about this to my bestfriend not because is a girl but because i know she dosn’t want me falling for her and she and her kinda doesn’t get along well. She think that I’m over her and that i only like her, i’d never told her is was more than that and also because i’m mostly the listener. Sorry is was long but just need to release all of this, i Hope you guy have something to help me.
Thank, and stay fresh my mortal ^-^
Cha Cha real smooth (^-.-)>

Category: Tags: asked October 28, 2013

2 Answers

Everything will be ok. It's normal to still have feelings especially if they weren't voiced. Just give it time, it will become more bearable.
When you're in love, it's hard to get over someone. Just give it time, try and keep yourself busy from thinking about it. I know it's hard but keeping yourself busy will help take your mind off the situation which makes it more bearable (I've been in the same situation, it'll get easier).