How likely is it that children forget major life events?


In books and movies they often depict someone remembering a part of their childhood they never remembered. I wonder how likely that is. For me I have very little recollection of my childhood and am often lost when other people talk about their childhood because I just don’t remember things. I often find myself nauseous if I see a guys thing or the thought of having sex. I have dreams that scare me and I wonder if like in the books maybe something happened when I was a kid that I don’t remember. Is this something that happens in real life or is it just a good plot line?

Category: Tags: asked December 23, 2013

2 Answers

it depends. trauma often can be triggered in a childs memory and some remember and some only remember if prompted, and some could not remember but still get anxious or scared in a situation that triggers their brain's memory.
It does happen but it doesn't happen to everyone. Talk to your parents and see if they can give light to your anxiety with sexual things.