How do you get suicidal thoughts out of your head?


I just feel like its hard to get those out of your head all the time. Any advice would be sooo appreciated.

Category: asked August 31, 2014

3 Answers

I want to clarify. I have been suicidal; I have made the attempt. I swallowed more than enough vicodin to do the job, too. I survived and came away with some nerve damage for my effort.

My life is the most valuable thing that I own. It is an affront to every positive experience I have ever had and will ever have if I allow temporary thoughts of hardship to overpower my pursuit of my own happiness. As a grown man, if there is anything at all that is troubling me, I can either find or manufacture a solution, and if there IS no solution, fuck that problem, I refuse to let it become such a burden than it makes me question my own will to live.

I let indignance, restrained, righteous anger, and a modicum of selfishness draw my mind out of suicidal ideation. When I placed emphasis on the importance of myself and stopped caring so absurdly much about what others thought of me, my life grew immensely better.

Complete selfishness is bad. Complete selflessness is just as bad. We have to juggle the times when it is more important to care for someone else or to care for ourselves. It is okay to be selfish.
I have been there, and I think we all go there at least once or twice in our lives. I usually talk to my friends or write my feelings down. This site is really good for getting your feelings out.
There's always a reason to everything. The reason why your suicidal thoughts have not gotten out of your head is because you haven't dealt or got over the issues that you have faced. I can say that God helped me through it. If you let God take over the situation that your in, trust me with a little patience and faith, God will deliver you. You've just got to know that you are worth it and your life is precious no matter what. The reason why we get these thoughts is because the enemy tries to destroy our lives. He tries to stop each and every one of us from being successful. But God has a great plan for everyone!!! Don't over think or exaggerate but let go of the situation and deal with it. If no one else can help you, well trust me God's always there and he will never give up on you :D