How do you find the courage to ask a girl out?


I am 13 and I’m crushing on a girl and I want to ask her out. How?

asked August 11, 2013

5 Answers

Hm, it's a hard one, but I guess one way of going around it would be to talk to this girl you want to ask out, get to know her as much as you can, whether this be hanging around together or in a group, you could always try to find out who she likes? Gaining confidence to ask anyone out is hard for fear of rejection, but once you've gotten to know them well, you should be more confident to be able to ask her. There's many ways you could get around it, you could ask her straight out or you could be more casual about it, like asking her round to your place, and seeing how she feels about you, the worst thing she can say is no, and there's going to be someone else out there for you if that happens, so just go for it, you don't know until you try?:)
The best thing is to go in with out too much of a plan. You just take a deep breath, tell her how you feel, and ask her out. That's what I did. Don't look for the perfect opportunity or you'll never get it done.
if internet explorer has the courage to ask to be your prefferred browser, you have the courage to ask a girl out.
First, be her friend. You'll be less nervous if you know each other well. Then just ask her if she wants to hang out sometime; maybe go see a movie, ice skate, visit an arcade, invite her to your house... whatever it is, make sure you do something you both enjoy. You don't have to use the word "date", either, if it makes you too nervous. Also, the first time you hang out doesn't have to be romantic. The first time I went to my boyfriend's house (before we dated), all we did was play video games and watch Doctor Who. :)
You never get full courage my friend, you can hang around with them, do things with them, be the most amazing person to them and you will never be 100% sure. Now as much as that sounds like doom and gloom its not because do that stuff, get to know them don't jump into something that maybe you don't like. But when your looking at her and you want to ask her out and your mind is going a million miles a minute just stop and in your mind say screw it got to try some day and spit it out.Also very important if she does by some odd chance say no than don't get upset just smile and say okay I still wanna hang out with you and be friends. Because hey given time she may come around, hell in my own experience I became close to this one we hung out, went places had great times we even went as far as making love to each other, but when the time came and I asked her out she still said no but we still hang out.