How do I tell someone?


I’ve been depressed for awhile but I was able to be okay keeping it to myself but now my best friend got really sick and I’ve gone a bit insane. I felt suicidal for this first time. I can’t bring myself to do homework or care about anything anymore. I started self harming again. I’ve been staring at this wall for two hours because I can’t bring myself to move. I’m one to keep everything to myself but I really need help. I’m just scared of being labeled the depressed one or the mental one or the one we make excuses for. Should I tell my english teacher/counselor at school or should I tell my parents? I have a ton of trouble talking to people face to face so that’s what makes this hard…

asked March 14, 2014

1 Answer

You are making progress. I have difficulty talking to people about difficult subjects, as well. You may find it easier to print out exactly what you have written above and hand that to your school counselor. But stay there while he or she reads it. I think the conversation that is sure to take place afterwards will be extremely helpful to you.