How do i stop disappointing my parents?


my parents dont trust me for a mistake i made over the summer and now its like i have 24/7 supervision on me

Category: asked September 3, 2014

2 Answers

If you think that you are an utter disappointment to your parents,then please don't. They love you no matter what, and you should be kind to yourself. If there has been an issue recently,and thats what is bothering you then talk to them about it, if it was your fault apologise and let them know it won't happen again. Show them that you are aware of your duties and responsibilities. Help them when they need, and volunteer in house chores. Let them know how much you love them and care for them. :)
How to stop it? By changing the way you think about it. Just because you care so much for not disappointing them it means that you really care for them and that you love them. And I believe that you've picked that trait from them.